Frequently Asked Questions
Are you a real witch? Is this a real school?
Yes. I am a real witch. Magic is real, and this is a real school of magic.
Are you going to teach me how to shoot fireballs and fly a broomstick?
Not exactly. Magic isn’t cut and dry as that at first, but in time you can perform miracles if you heal yourself to the point where you know God that well. I can teach you how to know God really, really well in this school.
What exactly do you teach?
I teach the art of this existence. Magic is to shape consciousness the way a sculptor sculps clay. I teach the art of consciousness itself.
What Lineage/Belief System do you teach from?
I come from a line of Italian Clairvoyant Psychic Mediums. My lineage will naturally bleed through all my teaching since I am an embodiment of it, however I don’t teach my lineage. I teach you to root into your own.
Everyone is welcome and all forms of magic are welcome, excluding magic with the intent to harm. My goal as a teacher is to help you work with your own personal magic in the way that opens you to your highest potential. If I was to find a label for my outlook, perhaps the content that channel seems to be most in alignment with ancient Yogi philosophy. I invite you to take a course from me as an experiment and in your words tell me what you think I teach. As I grow, and my school grows, I will probably have a more consolidated answer, as for now, I’m still figuring this out.
Why are you charging this price for this class?
I am charging what I feel is an equal trade for me to be able to maintain the deep spiritual work of teaching Magic. I’m psychic; when I teach, I read your energy and work with you at the subtle level, and this modality of teaching is a form of magic in and of itself. If you feel uncomfortable with my prices, that might be a sign that you aren’t in alignment with the classes. If you’re interested and want to take my class, but don’t like the price, it could reflect your own mistrust and fear of investing in something spiritual rather than material. You can allow yourself to see this as an opportunity to believe in magic, and invest in the unknown, and you could see your investment as an act of faith. It’s up to you.
I ask for large investments for longer courses so that I can go as deep with you as I possibly can, while still maintaining my health and well-being. Because I am following ancient rites of passage, and trying to consolidate these teachings into our modern time, the length and cumulation of my courses might seem different to you. Back in the day when magic was naturally integrated into society, certain practices were taught and students were initiated into these practices for years or even decades. I am attempting to consolidate this wisdom into courses of days or weeks. This is a confusing process at times, and I’m trying to maintain the integrity of this curriculum while still offering a manageable and grounded way of teaching this. Offering the prices that I do are my way of maintaining my integrity in this work.
I’m interested in your class but you’re not giving me enough information to feel comfortable investing in you.
IIf you want to know more about the way I teach before investing, read the free information in the blog page on this website. In the future, I will post youtube videos at my channel Arcacia Raven School of Magic on Youtube. Stay tuned.